Back to the Future

In high school, we used altavista to traverse the net. In college, we created networks in Geocities, words were written in LiveJournal, then Blogger, then WordPress. We made these odd little buttons for blogrings. Then websites sort of went away and we all moved to Myspace, Facebook, and Instagram.

I missed the old days of sites and blogs.  The days of an open and connected world on Facebook recently started to dim. Web sites are better for relationships as well as content makers & publishers.  Perhaps it was the constant stream of information and media that did us in.  Things just became less meaningful.  Or perhaps it’s just the world changing as usual.

I’m coming back to websites and blogs.  Decentralized. Keeping things in my own space.

Someone is squatting on my old domain.  I had it for 10 years and stopped using it and lost it.

There are protected areas of this site. For access, please contact me.